Enrollment and Attendance FAQs

Who is eligible to attend Alabama Virtual Academy at Eufaula City Schools (ALVA)?

Any student in grades K–12 who resides in Alabama is eligible for full-time enrollment. To enroll, your kindergartner must be 5 years old by September 1 of the upcoming school year. The minimum age for admission to first grade is 6 years old on or before December 31.

To be admitted to kindergarten or first grade, a parent must present to ALVA:

  • Proof of residency
  • Proof of age 
  • Proof the child has received immunization for all communicable diseases as required by law (or a valid exemption)

Prospective students seeking enrollment in grades K–12 must meet the following requirements and agree to maintain these to remain enrolled:

  • Have and maintain high speed internet in the home.
  • Have a Learning Coach available to monitor and assist the student in the online program. The Learning Coach must log daily attendance and make sure assignments are turned in. 
  • Students and Learning Coaches agree to attend online class sessions with teachers as required by the program. Each student will be given an online attendance requirement based on their individual needs.
  • Students with special needs are required to participate in the services established by their learning plan or refuse these services in writing.
  • To be admitted into ALVA, students must have consecutive school enrollment. If a student has not been in school, they will not be eligible.
  • Students that have been expelled or suspended from their previous school will need to be approved by an ALVA administrator. 
  • Students must participate in all required testing, including beginning-of-the-year testing, quarterly benchmarks, and state-mandated testing. Initial testing and benchmarks are taken at home, but state testing is conducted in person at a testing site.

Prospective students seeking enrollment in grades 9–12 need to meet the following requirements:

  • Must have been present in school 90% of the time for the previous school year and the first part of the current school year (if applying after the 1st day of school). If absent more than 18 days, the student will not be eligible. Full-year attendance must be documented as proof. Prospective students who have extenuating circumstances regarding missed time may submit this to ALVA’s administrator for review.
  • Must be in their cohort year and are on track to graduate on time, which means:
    • Students have not failed more than one or two classes, have the credits needed to be considered at appropriate grade level, and are on track to graduate on time.
    • Students are scheduled to graduate from high school within four years from the time of entry in 9th grade. If students were withdrawn from school, did not attend for one or more semesters, or delayed starting high school due to dropping out, they are ineligible.
  • Homeschooled students must submit a transcript with credits meeting the above qualifications from a homeschool organization. All homeschool transcripts that have high school credits posted must be reviewed and students must attend in-person testing to validate mastery of material to earn transfer credit.

What if my student resides outside of the Eufaula City school district?

A student whose parent/legal guardian resides outside of Eufaula’s city limits may be eligible to attend the Eufaula City school system. Enrollment is based on annual written application by the student’s parent/legal guardian to the superintendent or principal of the program for consideration and/or approval. Approval will be based on:

  • The ability to accommodate the applicant without placing undue financial burden on the school system;
  • Availability of space at the grade level and school;
  • Acceptable previous school attendance; 
  • Average or above academic performance as determined through a review of educational records, including standardized test scores;
  • Attendance and participation at required state and school testing;
  • Satisfactory student behavior as determined through a review of discipline records;
  • Agreement by the parent/legal guardian, and the student, when appropriate, that the student will follow the rules and regulations established by the virtual program within the system and the Eufaula City Board of Education.  
  • Agreement by the parent/legal guardian to assume responsibility for transporting their child(ren). Eufaula City Schools will not provide transportation.
  • Internet access and ability to be online for the majority of the school day.

Failure to comply with these rules and regulations may be cause for expulsion and the withdrawal of permission to attend the Eufaula City Schools.

Eufaula City Schools has the right to revoke enrollment of any non-resident student based on any of the following conditions: 

  • Inappropriate behavior or poor disciplinary record;
  • Excessive poor Class Connect attendance or poor overall school attendance record;
  • Unsatisfactory academic performance;
  • Attempts to circumvent the policies/procedures of the school and/or school system; 
  • Any other good and sufficient reason.

If during the school year it becomes evident that guardianship or state residency has been misrepresented to obtain enrollment, the student will be withdrawn immediately.  

One of the qualifications for continued enrollment at ALVA is being an Alabama resident. A parent/guardian may be asked to provide a proof of residence either prior to or during the school year. Parents/guardians are required to provide proof of residence at any time as requested by the school. If not submitted in an acceptable format within thirty (30) days from the first request, the student may be withdrawn from ALVA. If, at any time while a student is enrolled at ALVA, we discover that any document submitted to obtain or retain enrollment at ALVA was falsified or otherwise fabricated, the student will be withdrawn from ALVA and will be ineligible to re-enroll. 

What does it cost to attend ALVA?

Because ALVA is a public school program, there is no tuition. We provide Alabama-certified teachers and instructional materials. Families are responsible for providing some common household materials (such as printer ink and paper). Our enrollment consultants can help address your technological and computer questions and needs.

What is the attendance policy?

Every child between the ages of six (6) and seventeen (17) years shall be required to attend a public school, private school, church school, or be instructed by a competent private tutor for the entire length of the school term in every scholastic year except that, prior to attaining his or her 16th birthday, every child attending a church school as defined in Section 16-28-1 is exempt from the requirements of this section, provided such child complies with enrollment and reporting procedure specified in Section 16-28-7. Admission to public school shall be on an individual basis on the application of the parents, legal custodian, or guardian of the child to the local board of education at the beginning of each school year, under such rules and regulations as the board may prescribe. 

As Alabama public school program students, all ALVA students must comply with the state-required minimum number of 180 instructional days. Attendance responsibilities include:

  • The parent/Learning Coach logging daily attendance in the Online School.
  • Extended family travel, except during normal school vacation periods, should be discussed with the homeroom teacher prior to the travel. 
  • All families must attend an online Parent Orientation and new students will attend the “Introduction to Online Learning” course via the Online School.
  • The family must maintain regular communication with their ALVA teachers.
  • Students and parents/Learning Coaches must check their email and phone messages daily.
  • Students must attend all required Class Connect sessions for live, online instruction as directed by their teachers.